Product Description
Mary: One of Steve's most asked-for talks. He addresses misconceptions about Mary, and how to defend the Church's teaching about her. She is brought to life as the "Real Girl" living in Nazareth and the "Woman of Mystery" foreshadowed in the Old testament and fulfilled in the New.
| Sample 1 | Sample 2 |
Peter: Steve will make you proud to be a Catholic as he explains Peter and the Papacy. Enjoy the easy to understand discussion of infallibility, succession, the Chair of Moses, authority and his own misunderstandings as a former Protestant.
| Sample 1 | Sample 2 |
Conversion Story: Steve's Conversion Story keeps most people on the edge of their seat as he tells his captivating story. Learn what he used to believe about the Catholic Church, what convinced him of the Truth, and how he relates to those who are protestant with his analogy of the "Ship and the Rafts."
| Sample 1 | Sample 2 |
Defending the Eucharist: The Eucharist is our heavenly food, but many Catholics question whether it is truly the Body and Blood of Christ. After listening to this talk they will be hard pressed to doubt any longer. The Biblical truth is unpacked in a way that is easy to understand & encouraging.
| Sample 1 | Sample 2 |
What Must I Do to Be Saved?: Steve used to attack Catholics with questions like "Are you Born Again?" and "Why do you use Sacraments for salvation when the Bible says you should be saved by Faith Alone?" Steve takes you on a biblical journey to show why the Protestant traditions are wrong in their understanding of being "born again" and "salvation by faith alone." Steve goes all the way back to Abraham to show that we are saved by faith and obedience and all the Christ demands of us. In one of his most energetic talks, Steve tells the story with great energy humor and doctrinal depth.
| Sample 1 | Sample 2 |
Now Replacing Proclaiming the Gospel CD...
Swimming Upstream: Being Catholic in a Non-Christian World: We talk a lot about the “New Evangelization” and try to come up with a blueprint for how it works. We already have a blueprint. It was provided to us by the first Christians. We are now living in a parallel universe with them. They started out with few in a pagan society. Within three hundred years these humble Christians were able to turn the whole world upside down for Jesus Christ. They demonstrated how to do it and that it works. We now find ourselves back in a pagan world after 1700 years of Christian culture. We have to draw upon the proven experience of the first Christians and apply the same plan to re-evangelize our neo-pagan culture. This is full of stories of heroism, martyrdom and expamples of what we can to do live a fully Catholic life in our declining culture.
Steve identifies current trends and challenges we face in our modern world with its culture of death. He compares our time in history with the early Christians’ and their response to the pagan culture - ultimately converting the the Western World to Christianity.
Our children and grandchildren may face persecution and martyrdom in the not-too-distant future. What can we do to prepare them? Living deep in the heart of the Church can protect us and help us to achieve our ultimate goal of reaching heaven.
Product Reviews
Must needed facts of the faith
Posted by Unknown on 11th Aug 2018
Steve Ray is one of our favorite apologist. He's not only full of knowledge but easy to understand and very entertaining. His topics have not only helped us grow in knowledge of our faith but has helped to evangelize many family and friends.
Posted by Unknown on 11th Feb 2016
As a cradle Catholic, I've grown to love my faith so much more by listening to Steve Ray's CDs. He asks Catholics to accept the challenge in preaching the fullness of the faith to our Protestant brothers and sisters. After listening to his CDs, I've become so much more confident in defending the faith and teaching people to look for the root causes and evidence on why we believe. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, and I was so proud to display the ashes on my forehead while at work to proclaim that I am so proud to be a Catholic. I'm sure that inner vibration spread throughout the office. Thank you Steve Ray for enabling me to be courageous in bringing others to the truth!
Awesome Catholic Education!
Posted by Jan Adler on 23rd Nov 2015
Thank you so much Steve Ray for sharing your knowledge about our wonderful Catholic Church. I am a cradle Catholic who in the past fell away from the Church. I visited other protestant churches but it never was the "right fit" for me. I came back to the Church a couple years ago because I was searching for answers and direction. I've been receiving this from my church, Relevant Radio and Catholic media such as your CD's. God Bless you! God is Good!
Entertaining and relevant for Catholics and Protestants everywhere
Posted by William Segler on 7th Nov 2014
Steve Ray's talks on the Eucharist, Peter, Mary, and especially his Conversion story have helped me strengthen my faith in the Catholic Church. As a cradle-Catholic, I have had to defend my beliefs with Protestant friends on a number of occasions, and while it did not lead me out of the Catholic Church, I did not feel that I explained my faith well enough that the encounters would help my friends enter into an exploration of the Catholic faith.
Listening to Steve Ray is a great way to learn more about the Catholic Faith
Posted by Peter J. Fraboni on 9th Sep 2014
Steve is a great speaker and most of all a great teacher of the Catholic faith. His unique way of looking at the Biblical evidence for Catholic Doctrine is awesome. I enjoy his humor and the examples he blends into his talks to make Catholic Doctrine more understandable. I learn something new every time I listen to his presentations.
Knew it wold be great!
Posted by Unknown on 21st Jun 2014
I have been listening to Steve's talks for awhile now on Youtube and had to get these for my parents who don't have a computer. They have been raving about these now just as I had expected they would. Everything that was ordered plus a bonus CD was sent very quickly. Thank you!
Steve Ray is just great
Posted by Hans G. Schulte-Albert, M.I. on 1st May 2014
His talks are more than inspiring - they are an awesome testament to our holy Faith. I like Steve because he has a good heart. I met him once - long ago in Kitchner on a Marian Day. My boy threw up before Mass and Steve was there to help us. So he's not just a celebrity - he's a good man. May the light of Christ continue to shine thru him.
Good Stuf!!
Posted by Dale on 30th Oct 2013
Wish I could speak as well as Steven Ray. I'm working towards that goal.